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Quick Tips:
All new players start with a backpack full of items. Type "get all back" to get everything from it.
"wie all" "rem all" will wear/remove all applicable items.
"wie equipmentname" "rem quipmentname" will wear/remove an individual piece of equipment.
Type "autoexit" to show/hide exits in [Exits: north east south west up down] format.
Type "score" or "sc" to see your character's stat-sheet.
Type "help prompt" for information on how to change the way your hitpoints, mana, moves, etc... are displayed.
Players may communicate with other players in the room using the "say" command.
Players may communicate globally with other players using the "OOC" (Out of Character) command, the "IC" (In Character), Ask, and Answer.
Type "hint" to show/hide in game hints.
Type "color" to enable/disable colors.
Type "area list" to show a list of areas in the game and the levels they are appropriate for.
Type "map areaname" to show directions to an area. **All directions start from Market Square**
Players can train and practice new skills one down from Market Square at the Quest Dungeon.
to return to the home page.